

I recall -- or it may be something confused in my memory -- that there was an ancient Greek word which was used by Homer to describe the glory of light and the phenomenon of depthless forces -- the gleam of sweat on racing horses, the sun sparking on the restless sea, the shudder of an earthquake, the rattle of thunder, the glitter of Aspen leaves in the breeze, and by metaphor the experience of music.  It meant all of these things and signified something speechless about them.  I think that the word was ιερός.  More traditionally that word may be translated as powerful, or supernatural, or holy depending upon the usage.

This site is devoted to my writing and the writing of others.  It includes podcasts which are my own performance of some of those writings.  Some of these podcasts are also available through Apple’s Store.  Some of my writings are published and links are provided.



